You've tried everything and your hair is STILL dry. What everyone has failed to tell you is that moisturized hair is a lifestyle. What do we mean by that? well First, make sure to find the right hydrating shampoo and conditioner for dry thirsty hair. ( Hydrasilk Shampoo + Hydraslip conditioner) This means skipping the cheap drugstore products packed with chemicals that do very little to heal your dry or damaged hair and strip away the natural oils from your hair.
Ultimately dehydrated hair is usually a symptom of bad habits. Take the time to understand what you may be doing to jeopardize your hair health.
1. Conditioning dirty hair - Clarifying your hair regularly is necessary for our hair to retain moisture. Avoid co-washing excessively to reduce product build up.
2. Having Protective styles for more than 3 months- Keeping your protective styles for excessive long periods of time can lead to thirsty neglected damaged hair strands.
3. Using products with drying alcohols- Be weary of harsh drying agents in your products. Ingredients such as isopropyl alcohol, propanol and or ethanol should be avoided at all costs.